Who we are
A family of families
We believe that God intended church to be a family of families, and for the various generations of people to grow together (the older ones mentoring and nurturing the younger ones). Families are therefore encouraged to stay together and participate in the whole service as much as possible, and we have various facilities to cater for families' practical needs: -An activities room off the main hall where parents (along with a facilitator) can take their young children for activities if needed. -Tables at the back of the main hall where children are welcome to colour in or play quietly while listening to the sermon. -A couch in the activities room for nursing mothers (or worn out fathers!). -A couple of rooms with cots where babies and young children can rest and/or sleep. -Plenty of open field space for young ones to burn off some steam.
Our shepherds
At MCF we are blessed to have great shepherds in Jason and Heather Daniels. Jason faithfully teaches God's word every Sunday and Thursday night so if you're looking to dig deeper into the Bible you will be blessed with his ministry. Jason and Heather are assisted by a team of elders who support them and the church in the direction God is taking us.